

Band Component in Bolt

Band is a general content container with spacing and background options. Part of the Bolt Design System.

Install via NPM
npm install @bolt/components-band
  {% include "@bolt-components-band/band.twig" with {
  content: "This is a band.",
} only %}

Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.

Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.


Main content of the band.

string or array or object

Pinned content of the band.

    • upper

      Pinned to the upper area of the band.

        • content

          A pinned area can contain 1 or more items.

        • align

          Horizontal alignment of a single item.

          • start, center, end
    • lower

      Pinned to the lower area of the band.

        • content

          A pinned area can contain 1 or more items.

        • align

          Horizontal alignment of a single item.

          • start, center, end

Controls the semantic HTML tag to use for the band's content.

string div
  • div, article, section, header, footer, nav, figure

Controls the vertical spacing of the band.

string medium
  • none, xsmall, small, medium, large

If set to true, the band will take the full width of the page.

boolean true

Controls the theme of the band.

string dark
  • none, xlight, light, dark, xdark

Please use pinned_content. Instructions on how to use pinned_content is on the Band with Pinned Content demo page.


Please use pinned_content. Instructions on how to use pinned_content is on the Band with Pinned Content demo page.


Please use content and pinned_content. Instructions on how to use pinned_content is on the Band with Pinned Content demo page.


This prop has been renamed. Please use full_bleed.


This prop is no longer needed. tag takes care of the semantic markup automatically.


This is a band.
This is a band with size set to none.
This is a band with size set to xsmall.
This is a band with size set to small.
This is a band with size set to medium.
This is a band with size set to large.
This is a band with theme set to none.
This is a band with theme set to xlight.
This is a band with theme set to light.
This is a band with theme set to dark.
This is a band with theme set to xdark.

Each pinned area (upper and lower) can have 1 or more items, spacing will be evenly distributed

upper pinned 1
upper pinned 2
upper pinned 3

This Is a Headline

This Is a Subheadline

lower pinned 1
lower pinned 2
lower pinned 3

This Is a Headline

This Is a Subheadline

When there is only 1 item, you can set the align prop to your liking (start, center, end)

This Is a Headline

This Is a Subheadline

Note: please convert the deprecated items prop to the new pinned_content prop.

Deprecated items prop usage

  {% include "@bolt-components-band/band.twig" with {
  content: content,
  items: [
      position: {
        align: "end",
        valign: "center",
        row_start: 1,
        column_start: 1,
        column_end: 12,
      content: pinned_share,
} only %}

New pinned_content prop usage

  {% include "@bolt-components-band/band.twig" with {
  content: content,
  pinned_content: {
    upper: [
        content: pinned_share,
        align: "end",
} only %}

This Band Has a Backround Image

This Band Has a Backround Video

This Band Has 2 Bands Nested Inside

Nested band 1
Nested band 2

This Is a Flag

With text on the left and CTAs on the right.

This Is an Eyebrow

This Is a Headline

This Is a Subheadline

This is a paragraph.

Image descriptionImage description

Collection 1

Image descriptionImage description

Collection 2

Image descriptionImage description

Collection 3